Learning & Teaching

Junior School – Year Prep to Year 2

At St Peter’s, we believe the relationship between student and teacher is paramount. This allows for learning to be supportive and personalised for students as they grow to become more independent and responsible in, and for their learning.

Our Learning and Teaching is underpinned by:

  • Student at the centre for learning
  • Regular student teacher learning conversations
  • Use of data to support personalised learning
  • Teacher collaboration across year levels to support all learners
  • Parents as classroom helpers, being actively engaged in students’ learning


“Not all children are ready to learn the same thing at the same time in the same way.”

Personalised and investigative play-based pedagogy is implemented in the Prep to Year One classrooms where students take ownership of their learning experiences. As well as providing opportunities for our students to further develop their learning in all curriculum areas, it provides opportunities for students to develop lifelong skills, including resilience, problem solving, social interactions, effective communication and appropriate self expression. Our Investigations are based on The Early Life Foundations Walker Learning Approach and are underpinned by a strong emphasis on relationship building.


  • four mornings a week in all Prep and Year One classrooms
  • Statement of Intent links formalised learning with the developmental domains including emotional, social, cognitive, language and physical areas of development
  • key elements include tuning-in, investigations & reflection
  • key roles include, focus children, reporter and photographer


Intentional and engaging learning environments

Curriculum Overview

  • Shifting towards the Australian Curriculum as each subject area is ratified. (Maths, English, Science and History-2015)
  • A balanced curriculum is covered throughout the year through explicit instruction, independent learning time and scaffolded inquiries


“Literacy learning: empowering children with skills and knowledge to communicate effectively and make connections throughout their lives.”

In the Foundation years of Prep – 2, English learning is focused on developing the students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing and creating. There is a particularly strong emphasis on developing Oral Language.

  • Programs & Assessment
  • Enhancing Reading Intervention Knowledge (ERIK)
  • Literacy Advance Observation Surveys (February & November)
  • Running Records (Reading)
  • Writing for a Purpose
  • RPT (Reading Progress Tests)
  • PAT (Progressive Achievement Tests)



“We aim to develop mathematical skills and knowledge that will allow students to deal confidently and competently with real life mathematical experiences.”

Learning in Mathematics in the Junior School, includes the areas of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. It is influenced by the Contemporary Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Program and ensures that our Mathematics program is engaging and authentic. Students are encouraged  to be actively involved in the learning of Mathematics through open-ended activities and the use of concrete materials, in order to develop proficiency in Mathematics.

Programs & Assessment

  • Contemporary Teaching & Learning of Mathematics (CTLM) influence
  • ENRP Interviews
  • PAT (Progressive Achievement Tests) Maths
  • Pre/Post Testing
  • SINE  Testing




The use of ICT supports our learning in all Curriculum areas.

Language Language