St Peter Apostle Primary School Hoppers Crossing
Thank you for choosing St Peter Apostle Primary School for your child’s primary education. We look forward to your family joining our school community.
To make your application process as smooth as possible, please ensure you check the following information:
Your child will by 5 years of age by 30th April in the year they are to commence school
Applications for Prep will open the year your child is attending 4 year old kindergarten.
Selection Criteria
Children with siblings already at the school
Baptised Catholic children whose parent/s are practising Catholics and reside within our school zone
Baptised Catholic children
Non-Catholic children

Prep Transition Timeline

Got a question about our school? Ask a question - office@stpeterahc.catholic.edu.au

We believe our school uniform is an important part of our identity and gives a sense of belonging to our community.
It is an expectation, that all students attending St Peter Apostle wear our school uniform neatly and correctly.
All items of uniform must be clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
Summer Uniform
To be worn during Term 1 and Term 4

Summer Dress (Blue/White/Maroon stripe with Peter Pan Collar)
Short Sleeve Blouse (White poly rayon with logo)
Skort (Navy with School Logo)
Woollen Pullover (Navy with maroon/White stipe on Vneck with School Logo)
Socks (Navy with Maroon & White stripe) or Plain Navy Socks
Bucket Hat (Navy with School Logo)
Black School Shoes
Short Sleeve Shirt (Navy Micro Check with Collar)
Shorts (Navy)
Woollen Pullover (Navy with maroon/White stipe on Vneck with School Logo)
Socks (Navy with Maroon & White stripe) or Plain Navy Socks
Bucket Hat (Navy with School Logo)
Black School Shoes
Girls & Boys Sports Uniform
This uniform is only worn on Sport / PE days.
Sport Polo Top (Navy/Maroon/White with School Logo)
Sport Shorts (Navy with School Logo)
Double Knee Track Pants (Navy with School Logo)
Socks (White with maroon & navy stripe) or Plain White Socks
Sports Full Zip Polar Fleece Jacket (Navy with School Logo)
Winter Uniform
To be worn during Term 2 and Term 3

Pinafore (Navy/Charcoal/Maroon check with detachable bib)
Long sleeve Girls Blouse (White poly rayon with logo)
Slacks (Navy straight leg)
Woollen Pullover (Navy with maroon/White stipe on Vneck with School Logo)
Tights (Navy) or Socks (Navy with Maroon & White stripe) or Plain Navy Socks
Black School Shoes
Long Sleeve Shirt (Navy Micro Check with Collar)
Trousers (Navy)
Woollen Pullover (Navy with maroon/White stipe on Vneck with School Logo)
Socks (Navy with Maroon & White stripe) or Plain Navy Socks
Black School Shoes
Girls & Boys Sports Uniform
This uniform is only worn on Sport / PE days.
Sport Polo Top (Navy/Maroon/White with School Logo)
Sport Shorts (Navy with School Logo)
Double Knee Track Pants (Navy with School Logo)
Socks (White with maroon & navy stripe) or Plain White Socks
Sports Full Zip Polar Fleece Jacket (Navy with School Logo) Boys and Girls
School Bag, Hat and Beanie
School Bag – Omni Pack with School logo
Term 1 and Term 4 (Summer) – Bucket hat with School logo
At St Peter’s we have a “no hat/no play” policy which is applicable in Term 1 and Term 4. -
Term 2 and Term 3 (Winter) – Beanie with School logo
Term 2 and Term 3 (Winter) – Navy Scarf

Hair is to be neatly groomed and appropriate to the wearing of a school uniform. Hair below the shoulders must be tied back and hair accessories in keeping with the uniform. Hair that has been coloured, is excessively shaved or styled in a manner requiring the use of gel/mousse is not acceptable.
The only items of jewellery permitted are watches and plain sleepers or studs.
2nd Hand Uniform Shop
The 2nd Hand Uniform Shop is operated by the St Peter Apostle Ladies Auxiliary.
Located in the Meeting Room between the School Office and Church.
Open from 8.15am – 9.30am
2024 – Term 3
July – 19th
August – 2nd, 16th & 30th
September – 13th
When your item is sold, you will be notified via a note to your child, when the money can be collected.
20% commission is charged for this service.
We are in need of all sizes – especially small.
If you have some unwanted uniforms in good condition, hand them into the School office, with Name, Phone number, item description and price you want on an envelope pinned to the item.

Before & After School Care